About Tubes

We have developed a comprehensive range incorporating the leading brands and technologies to ensure that it’s easy to find the right tube every time.
How often should UV tubes be changed and why?
We recommend that UV tubes are changed every 12 months to ensure maximum efficacy.
The levels of UV produced by fluorescent tubes deteriorates rapidly throughout the life of the tube. Whilst the tube will continue to glow blue or green indefinitely, after approximately 8,000 hours the amount of useful UV (which humans cannot see) drops to a level where it is no longer attractive to flying insects. As a result, UV tubes must be replaced annually to ensure they remain effective in producing useful levels of UV. This replacement cycle is typically undertaken just before the peak insect season, (March/April within Europe) to ensure the flykiller is producing the maximum amount of UV throughout the critical insect season.
Easily recognised by their glowing green light, Synergetic® tubes have been developed to attract a much wider range of flying insects than traditional blue UV lamps.
Based upon a unique phosphor mix, innovative technology ensures that a broader ‘ two peak’ wavelength is maintained (368nm and 540nm) attracting a wide range of insects including stored product moths, whilst attracting the common housefly as effectively as traditional blue UV tubes, giving you the best of both UV technologies.
Extensive testing has been carried out over many years by independent entomologists and test laboratories, showing the benefits of green light in combination with UV.
A wide diversity of insects were shown to be more attracted to Synergetic® light, including greenhouse whiteflies, silverleaf whiteflies, thrips, leafhoppers, Indian meal moths, Mediterranean flour moths, tropical warehouse moths, warehouse moths, plus many more!
Recordings of electroretinograms in housefly eyes found peaks in both UV (340-365nm) and blue green (450-550nm) with similar sensitivities found in other Diptera e.g. Calliphora vicina Meig, Haematobiairritans L., Musca autumnalis De Geer, Stamoxys calcitrans L., Glossina morsitans morsitans, Westwood., and Fannia canicularis L., as well as the mosquito Aedes aegypti (323-345nm and 523nm). Several Tabanid species were also found to have a peak activity of 400-600nm.
The range of Philips UV tubes is dedicated to providing innovative, energy-efficient solutions and applications for lighting, based on a thorough understanding of customer needs. Philips tubes are available in a range of sizes and shatterproof options.
Philips tubes are available in a comprehensive range of models , including shatterproof versions. The range also features the innovative new T8 18W and 36W tube, offering a contemporary low power, increased efficiency replacement for 20W and 40W T12 tubes.
Shatterproof tubes provide peace of mind in sensitive areas by retaining glass shards if the tube is broken. All our ranges can be shatterproofed, ensuring that you can choose your ideal tube to help you protect even the most sensitive areas, including food preparation and assembly areas. Shatterproof tubes MUST be installed in areas operating a ‘glass free policy’.
The Fluorinated Polymer (FEP) material used for all our sleeving is designed specifically for optical transmission and allows 97% of effective UV light to pass through the coating. As a result, the maximum possible amount of useful UV irradiance passes through the sleeving to effectively attract insects. With only 3% of the irradiance being absorbed into the material, the structural integrity of the sleeving is maintained for the full 12 month life of the tube, preventing discolouring and ensuring all glass shards are retained in the event of a breakage.
Additionally, all our shatterproof tubes meet the requirements of the IEL61549 ‘Fragment Retention’ standard for areas where this is considered appropriate.